America at the Crossroads - 3
The technocratic concept has indeed spread since, in the thirties, Howard Scott — a very strange and apparently ruthless man — formed his "Technocracy" organization which pushed the ideas of Frederick Soddy and Thorstein Veblen to their extreme limit, and actually aimed at a complete takeover of sociopolitical structures — as Scott himself implied when I talked to him. The Watergate disclosures should make it clear that the Nixon administration had acquired all the earmarks of a technocratic organization. Are we confronted with the possibility of overt conflict between the widespread development of a psychospiritual counter-culture actively seeking to renew all forms of interpersonal and socioeconomic human activity, and a technocratic system of government becoming ever more totalitarian and coldly electronic? I believe that we are, and that the beginning of this still-evolving and confused situation can be traced to the year 1965, which, as we have already seen, contained several significant astrological references.(
As we have seen, in 1965 a progressed New Moon occurred in the chart for the Declaration of Independence and indeed the counter-culture movement and the refusal of so many young people to accept as valid, and to become involved in, the patterns of the suburban and business life constituted a true declaration of independence from our technological and city-dominated society. The demand for educational and political freedom — and for a much advertised sexual freedom — in the name of the right to live according to the truth of one's individual and natural being parallels the Declaration's proclamation of all men's rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The criticisms of our technocratic social order found in such books as Theodore Roszak's
The Making of a Counterculture and
Where the Wasteland Ends are no more vehement than the list of grievances against the King of England in the 1776 document.
Both Roszak's books and the Declaration eulogize the "truth of Nature," but while the eighteenth-century inspirers of our national being worshipped "Reason" — which was soon to be deified by the French revolutionaries — the new rebels are far more attracted to ideals transcending the rational and intellectual concepts of the European Enlightenment. Most of them are fascinated by Asia — from the Sufi Near East to Zen-inspired Japan, with India as the central source of a much-sought-after transcendent and mystic illumination. In this, and in their glorification of love and communal living, they are, I repeat, much more like the early Christians than like disciples of Jefferson (who was a young man in 1776) — or the followers of Thomas Paine's rational deism. When they are able to consciously and clearly think, rather than "feel" (as most of them mainly do), they aim at nothing less than a complete reordering and spiritual transmutation of the fundamental patterns of our twenty-five centuries-old Western society. But the new youth is far more inclined to accept the mysticism of the Orphic, Eleusinian and Dionysian mysteries than the logic and empirical rationalism of Aristotle absorbed by the intelligentsia of the Christian Middle Ages. They look to the Himalayas, rather than to Mount Olympus, for their source of inspiration.
1. According to General William C. Westmoreland, the commander who presided over the early years of the build-up of the Vietnam war, 1965 was "the year of commitment," 1966, the "year of development," 1967, the "year of offensive" and 1968 the "year of decision." According to the Pentagon, the war officially started in 1961. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was passed in August 1965, and protest against the war began to build up in the United States after 1965.
While the counter-culture movement is far broader in its significance than opposition to the Vietnam war, the latter and particularly the way the war was conducted are characteristic manifestations of the basic policies adopted by the recent administrations, and of their subservience to military thinking and to the ever-increasing power of the Pentagon.
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