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A Birth-Chart for the USA
by Dane Rudhyar, 1974


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A Birth Chart for the United States of America
- 9

At this point, I should state once more as strongly as I can that astrological charts should always be interpreted as communications from the whole universe — or from a divine source — suggesting the type of energies best available to meet specific issues, and where consciously to direct these energies so that they can be used with optimum (not maximum!) effect. I should add that energy in itself is neither good, nor bad; nothing can be called essentially fortunate or unfortunate without considering not only end results, but above all the function that the organism being studied was meant to perform in the economy of some greater whole — which most often means mankind or the whole Earth.
      Strong tensions are indicated in the U.S. chart, but tensions are required to generate dynamism and a high quality of vibratory energy. A slack violin string cannot produce a vibrant tone; it must be made taut by increasing tension. The square of Mars in Gemini to Neptune in Virgo, if made positive use of, represents the sharp analytical power of the intellect in relation to matters symbolized by the seventh House; it may refer to the keen mind of a great lawyer (the ninth House where Neptune is located is related to the law), but this aspect can also signify the use of the trained legal mind to introduce deceptive "small print" into a contract, or to circumvent the law. The positive message of this Mars-Neptune, square nevertheless is that Americans should learn to see through and dissipate the glamour of such illusory things as drug experiences, or the emotional psychism and immature religious movements led by overimaginative and utopian idealists from foreign lands (Neptune in the ninth House).
      This aspect also is balanced by a harmonious trine of Neptune to Pluto and of Mars to the Moon. It is interesting to note that in the U.S. chart for almost all squares, semisquares and oppositions — often called "hard" aspects — there is a compensatory harmonious or "soft" trine, sextile and semisextile, so that every factor can be seen operating in two modes. The basic seesaw character of the U.S. chart since the discovery of Pluto also stresses a two-level operation. However, the trine of Pluto to Neptune and even more the trines of the Moon to the planets Mars, Venus and Jupiter are clear indications that it is America's function to reach beyond the conflict between the two ends of the seesaw and to develop an understanding of the rhythmic process which dynamically integrates the opposites. The rhythmic process is shown in the Chinese symbol Tai Chi, in which the two complementary and forever revolving black and white shapes representing the Yang and Yin polarities of existence are integrated through their rhythmic motion within an all-inclusive circle.
      The Descendant is located about halfway between Uranus and Mars, and the Mid Heaven is nearly halfway between Neptune and Saturn. Balancing processes are at work. This is particularly clear and significant in the Mid Heaven's case, as it is subjected to the pressures of both the idealistic, religious, glamour-producing Neptune in the ninth House, and on the other the pattern-producing, potentially authoritarian, practical and sobering Saturn in the tenth House. The symbol for Saturn's degree is interesting, even though somewhat puzzling: Circular paths (Libra 15°). This can mean the need to remain attuned to the cyclic patterns of planetary life or, at a more practical level, to the routine procedures of a strong bureaucracy. We can find a most interesting application of the symbol in the fact that, according to our definitely Saturnian and conservative Constitution, the political life of the country is dominated by rigid measures of time — elections held two and four years part, the dates of which are immutable.
      This immutability is very important today, in the light of Watergate and the complex of illegal practices which were a part of the 1972 presidential campaign. In most democratic nations the Parliament can be dissolved and the ruling Prime Minister recalled at any time that he has lost public confidence. Political life in these countries has a rather fluid character, sensitive to changes in public opinion. Not so in the United States. There is no constitutional way of calling elections at any time other than rigidly fixed dates. Only impeachment can remove the President or members of the Congress from office; and should the President be removed, the Vice-President, who was chosen by the President, takes office. The national will can operate only every four years in terms of the power of and direction given to the Executive. Time is the master; its rhythm, rather than the needs of existential situations, structures political life. Of late, however, public polls may also influence administrative and presidential decisions and various other pressures can be applied on politicians always eager to be reelected. This, plus the paternal character of the American Presidency and a basic subservience to a Constitution which can be amended only slowly by an unwieldy process, certainly justifies, if not demands, that Saturn should be found in the tenth House of the U.S. birth chart. We are dealing there with a fundamental and characteristic structural matter.

By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
Copyright © 1974 by Dane Rudhyar
and Copyright © 2001 by Leyla Rudhyar Hill
All Rights Reserved.

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