The Zodiac as the Universal Matrix

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Online Astrological Chart Gallery
Featuring 1,000 Natal Horoscopes of Truly Interesting People

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A-C          D-H          I-N          O-S          T-Z

Iacocca, Lee
Ibsen, Henrik
Irving, Washington
Isherwood, Chistopher
Ives, Burl

Jackson, Jesse
Jacobi, Derek
Jagger, Mick
James, Henry
James, William
Janov, Arthur
Jefferson, Thomas
Jennings, Waylon
Jinnah, Ali
Joan of Arc,
Jobs, Steve
Joffrey, Anver
Pope John Paul I
John, Augustus
John, Elton
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Johnson, Samuel
Jolie, Angelina
Jones, Jim
Jones, Marc Edmund
Jones, Quincy
Jong, Erica
Joplin, Janis
Jordan, Barbara
Jouve, Pierre Charles
Joyce, James
Judd, Naomi
Judge, William Quan
Jung, Carl Gustave

Kahlo, Frida
Kakfa, Melanie
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kant, Immanuel
Keaton, Diane
Keller, Helen
Kelly, Ellsworth
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward F.
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
Kennedy, Joseph, Sr.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kepler, Johannes
Kerouac, Jack
Kerry, John
Kesey, Ken
Keyserling, Hermann
Killy, Jean Claude
King, Carole
King, Martin Luther
Kinski, Nastassja
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Kissinger, Henry
Klee, Paul
Knight, JZ
Koch, Walter
Koestler, Arthur
Kooning, Willem de
Kraft, Karl
Krantz, Judith
Krishnamurti, Jeddu
Kristofferson, Kris
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Bin Laden, Osama
Laing, R. D.
Lalique, Rene Jules
Lama, Dalai
Landau, Martin
Landowska, Wanda
lang, k.d.
Lange, Jessica
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, T. E.
Le Guin, Ursula
Leary, Timothy
Lee, Brenda
Lee, Bruce
Lee, Gypsy Rose
Leigh, Janet
Leigh, Vivien
Lenin, Nicolai
Lennon, Julian
Lennon, Sean Taro
Lennox, Annie
Leo, Alan
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Jerry Lee
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Jim
Linbergh, Charles
Lincoln, Abraham
Liszt, Franz
Lodge, Henry Cabot
London, Jack
London, Julie
Lords, Traci
Loren, Sophia
Louis XVI of France
Love, Courtney
Love, Michael
Lovecraft, H. P.
Lovell, James
Lowell, Percival
Lubbe, Marinus van der
Luce, Henry R.
Luther, Martin
Lyon, Sue

MacArthur, Douglas
Machiavelli, Nicolo
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Magritte, Rene
Mahara Ji
Mailer, Norman
Malraux, Andre
Malthus, Thomas
Mandela, Nelson
Manet, Edouard
Mann, Thomas
Mao, Tse Tung
Marc, Franz
Marconi, Guglielmo
Marcos, Imelda
Marley, Bob
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Karl
Masefield, John
Masson, Andre
Mastroianni, Marcello
Mathis, Johnny
Matisse, Henri
Madden, Karl
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
May, Rollo
McCaffrey, Anne
McCain, John S.
McCarthy, Joseph R.
McCartney, Paul
McKenna, Terence
McLoughton, Tom
Mead, Margaret
Meher, Baba
Mehta, Zubin
Merton, Thomas
Mesmer, Franz
Melville, Herman
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Milhaud, Darius
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Henry
Millet, Kate
Mingus, Charles
Minnelli, Liza
Miro, Joan
Mitchell, Joni
Modigliani, Amadeo
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Mondrian, Piet
Monroe, Marilyn
Montand, Yves
Moore, Marcia
Moore, Mary Tyler
Moore, Roger
Moore, Thomas
More, Kenneth
Morgan, Pierpont, Sr.
Morissette, Alanis
Morley, Robert
Morris, William
Morrison, Jim
Morse, Samuel
Moscone, George
Moussi, Tanya
Mozart, Wolfgang
Muir, John
Mullis, Kary
Mumford, Lewis
Murdoch, Rupert
Murray, Arthur
Musset, Alfred de
Mussolini, Benito

Nader, Ralph
Nash, Graham
Nash, Ogden
Nasser, Gawal Abdal
Nepal, Republic of
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Newman, Paul
Newton, Issac
Nicholson, Jack
Nicks, Stevie
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nijinski, Vaslav
Nimoy, Leonard
Nin, Anais
Nixon, Richard M.
Nobel, Alfred
Nureyev, Rudolph

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