The First Work on The Sabian Symbols! The Wheel of Significance by Dane Rudhyar on the Sabian Symbols
The Wheel of Significance is the third volume of The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar series; the material was written during the early days of World War II.
      The Wheel of Significance is unique in its in-depth examination of the amazing inner structure of the 360 Sabian Symbols. The first work on the meaning, power and use of the Sabian Symbols, The Wheel of Significance occupies a special place in the history of the Sabian Symbols, with its own fascinating background story. As a bonus, the eBook includes Rudhyar's 1936 set of the Sabian Symbols, first published in The Astrology of Personality.

This remarkable 206-page trade paperback is priced at only $16.95, Kindle eBook edition, $9.95.
Here's a sample passage - The Wheel of Significance by Dane Rudhyar on the Sabian Symbols
"In the preceding section we discussed the universal pattern which can be discovered in every one of the 5-degree sequences of the Zodiac. These sequences, which number seventy-two in the entire Zodiac, were originally defined as the results of a three-fold division of each of the twenty-four 'hours' (15-degree period). Every 'hour' represents a particular type of active, individual orientation toward . . . the creative Spirit; and this orientation operates at three successive levels. These are the generic-physical-evolutionary, the psychic-emotional-cultural and the mental-personal-integrational levels. At every level, a 'magical process' operates which determines the very substance of consciousness at that particular level. This process is depicted . . . by the Sabian symbols for the first degrees of the sequence (or 'pentacle'). It has thus five phases, each of which is the working out of a basic law of individual consciousness."
The Wheel of Significance by Dane Rudhyar on the Sabian Symbols from the chapter on Gandhi’s Birth-Chart Through Its Symbols
Gandhi’s Moon dominates his tenth House, the House of public activity and social integration — and the Moon of a leader refers also to his public. What does, then, the symbol suggest? — the emphasis he placed throughout his public career upon personal drama and spiritual exaltation . . . The Moon is Ghandhi’s hyleg point; that is, the significator of health and recuperative power. Has he not maintained his frail body through pure "soul force" — a spiritual intoxicant, we might well say?
     The lunar symbol becomes . . . clearer when the symbols for the planets dealing most intimately with the personal life (Mars, Venus and Mercury) are considered. All three are in Scorpio, and Mercury is just below the Ascendant (granted that the usually accepted chart is correct). Mercury’s symbol (Scorpio 4°) reveals this scene: In an old-fashioned "candle lighting service" a youth gains for the first time a sense of the great "other world”. . .
A Peek at the Inner Structure of
the Sabian Symbols -
"Marc Jones refers to the 24 'hours' as 'spans,' each including 15 degrees, which in turn are divided into three 5-degree sections . . . To each of these 15-degree 'spans' he gives a keyword. The meaning of these keywords, however, does not seem to us as significant in many cases . . . At any rate, using the above mentioned principles as a foundation, we shall attempt to reconsider step by step the entire subject of this 24-hour division of the Zodiac of meanings, and we shall submit new keywords which fit in with our previous analysis of the six basic creative powers in man." (continues)

The 360 Sabian Symbols included with the eBook features textual aids enabling you quickly see how each Sabian Symbol fits into the pentarhythmic inner structure of the whole series.
A Peek at the Inner Structure of
the Sabian Symbols -
"The First Watch: Sunrise to Noon.
The keynote of this entire period of the symbolical 'day' of the ego is DIFFERENTIATION. It is a phase of growth in distinctness of being. The ego realizes itself and its destiny by its discovery of what opposes its urge to be a new song of life (Aries), by experiencing contrasts, joy and pain (Taurus), by sharpening its intellectual tools for observation, analysis and classification (Gemini). The process of self-discovery includes a positive and a negative phase. The positive phase is suggested by the picture-symbol for the first degree of any Sign; the negative phase, by the picture-symbol for the sixteenth degree of the same Sign. The first degree shows a 'confrontation' with a particular aspect of life or human experience; the sixteenth degree reveals the 'solution' which can be seen implied or latent in this confrontation."

The Wheel of Significance
The Origin, Structure and Power of
the Sabian Symbols

by Dane Rudhyar
Edited & with an Introduction
by Michael R. Meyer

206 pages, Trade Paperback, $16.95
and Kindle eBook, $9.95

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The First "New" Rudhyar Book in 25 Years! Universal Matrix by Dane Rudhyar
The Universal Matrix is not only one of Rudhyar’s most accessible and easy-to-read books, it is also one of his most unique and enigmatic works. It is the only book in which Rudhyar provides comprehensive descriptions of each of the ten astrological planets in each of the twelve signs of the zodiac; and the descriptions themselves are more striking, psychological and critical than what we came to expect from Rudhyar during the second half of the 20th century. Written during 1942, it uses the birth charts of many world leaders of the time as examples.

This remarkable 206-page trade paperback is priced at only $16.95, Kindle eBook edition, $9.95.
The Universal Matrix and Its Startling Premise Universal Matrix by Dane Rudhyar
The premise of The Universal Matrix is significant and intriguing, for herein Rudhyar attributes substantive and causal qualities to the zodiac. In the work, Rudhyar describes the zodiac (the Universal Matrix) as a substantive "electromagnetic field" of "zodiacal influence" which is permanently anchored to the earth, the "emanations" of which "beat constantly upon us." Yet such statements, which might surprise some readers familiar with Rudhyar’s astrological work, is actually consistent with his lifelong metaphysics. Indeed, the basic concept of fields enveloping the planet and human beings is of ancient origin, and it is an integral part of Theosophy, from which Rudhyar largely drew his metaphysical underpinnings.
Here's a sample description -
Mars in Leo
"When the Leo-type of energies . . . are activated by the forceful and outgoing planet Mars, fireworks may be expected. This produces a colorful personality, or at least a strong will to dominate . . . There is an intense urge toward dramatic self-expression; and, when concrete materials for self-expression or for personal show are not available, the person is likely to use imaginary materials."

Mercury in Libra
"In a negative sense, Mercury in Libra reveals a frivolous, butterfly mentality; and also a social urge which is more a matter of intellectual attitudes than one of deep realizations. Mental pride and sensitiveness to social criticism may be in evidence; or an extreme subservience of the mental life to social or cultural traditions."
Here's a sample description -
Venus in Gemini
"When Gemini forces are illumined by the presence of Venus, experiences and sensations are valued mostly for the meaning which can be derived from them . . . Thus the person with such a natal configuration may pass from experience to experience, from human contact to more human contacts simply to provide food for the development of her sense of value and her quality of emotional response. . . . They are like the 'kisses' given to the flowers by the bee; all that the bee wants is honey. . . . It is better not to become attached to persons with a natal Venus in Gemini, if one wants lasting happiness; but an intimate (though brief) contact with them should be revealing and stimulating, for they are artists in expression and 'catalytic agents' for growth."
Universal Matrix by Dane Rudhyar Here's a sample description -
Mars in Cancer
"This is a rather unsatisfactory position for Mars, because this planet symbolizes all outgoings and Cancer is a field for the activity of concentrating and indrawing forces. Thus either Mars in Cancer is not allowed to operate with any degree of power by a number of inhibiting influences, or else the energy of Mars is thrust into a work which is not congenial . . . In the former case the person born with Mars in Cancer demonstrates a weak capacity for action and for initiative, great moodiness, irritability or so-called 'artistic' temperament. In the second alternative he tends to act with aggressive selfishness; he makes unreasonable demands upon others . . . loses his sense of proportion and makes a show of himself and his personal problems."
Here's a sample of description -
Mars in Sagittarius
"This planet of personal, emotional initiative will either be submerged by the super-personal energies of society, or else, as with Louis XIV, Mars will impel the individual to say "The State, it is I" — thus claiming for the individual a position of central authority. Only a special type of people have the audacity to identify human society with their own ego, and to act as if the whole of the collectivity to which they belong was rightfully centered in them. Mars in Sagittarius can produce such an effect; but obviously it does not do so always. Yet, it often enables individuals to use society and social forces to their own advantage. They may be typical representatives of their time and society, sharpened expressions of the collective life — thus, for instance, Mark Twain."

as the Universal Matrix
A Study of the Zodiac
and of Planetary Activity

by Dane Rudhyar
Edited & with a Foreword
by Michael R. Meyer

206 pages, Trade Paperback, $16.95
and Kindle eBook, $9.95

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The Universal Matrix's Companion Book on the Houses The Way of Creative Accomlishment by Dane Rudhyar
The material for The 12 Astrological Houses - The Way of Creative Accomplishment was written in 1943-44, immediately following The Universal Matrix. Like its companion book, it is one of Rudhyar’s most accessible and easy-to-read works. It provides comprehensive descriptions of each of the ten astrological planets in each of the twelve astrological houses, and in common with The Universal Matrix, the interpretations themselves are more striking, psychological and critical than what we came to expect from Rudhyar during the second half of the 20th century. The electronic publication includes links to the birth charts of dozens of interesting example nativities.

This remarkable, 146-page trade paperback is priced at only $14.95, Kindle eBook edition, $9.95.
A sample passage from The 12 Astrological Houses - The Way of Creative Accomlishment by Dane Rudhyar
"Every personality is the child of an individual vision (Ascendant) and of a set of collective habits (second house). The great person is one who uses such habits to demonstrate the vision — and thereby repolarizes them. The weak personality lets collective habits use the vision which thereby becomes distorted and materialized. Every personality is a field of integration for individual vision (first house) and collective habits (second house) — our inner life is very often a battlefield! It is in the third house that the issue . . . is determined; for it is the quality of the person’s environment and of his mentality (largely conditioned by education) which will decide in the third house whether the fourth house factors (ego, home, and so on) will be energized preponderantly either by those developed in the first house or those belonging to the second house."
Here's a sample -
Planets in the Fifth House
"When a strong planet or a group of planets are located in the fifth house of a natal chart this does not mean the native will necessarily be a particularly gifted artist, or a great lover, or the progenitor of many children, and so on. It indicates, rather, that matters related to this house will be insistently the focal point for the person's attention. The native will be involved in fifth house issues and experiences by apparent choice or by compulsion . . . They will create problems which will demand a solution.

Problems however constitute opportunities for growth and for 'creative accomplishment' — thus the title of this series. Where there are no problems, the mind and will of the individual are not roused into operation . . ."
Here's a sample description -
Moon in the Eleventh House
"The Moon in the eleventh house signifies a person highly sensitive to social moods and changes, who is often the mouthpiece of some great mass-movement seeking expression in a subterranean manner. The spiritual-occult systems proclaimed by Rudolph Steiner are much involved in personalized states of consciousness and dependent on personal 'revelations'. Indeed, it might be argued the 'revelations' of the seer could merely be projections of his collective, national and personal 'hopes and wishes' and fears and prejudices, rather than authentic and significantly interpreted revelations of spiritual realities. The traditional chart of Joan of Arc shows Moon conjunct Jupiter in the eleventh house — indeed an excellent symbol for one whose "Voices" saved a Kingdom . . ."
The Way of Creative Accomlishment by Dane Rudhyar Here's a sample passage -
The Twelfth House
"The twelfth house closes the cycle of human experience. It is the last stage on the way of creative accomplishment. Here, the individual either consolidates his successes into a seed, whence will arise a new cycle of growth, or he meets the accumulated results of his failures. . . . No one has not achieved both some kind of success and experienced personal or social defeats. Therefore, in the last house of the cycle, both success and failure become actual and unavoidable confrontations. The memories of the past — be they conscious or unconscious — crowd in front of the threshold of the new cycle. They are Angels of Light beckoning to the beyond; they are dark Guardians of the Threshold, whose features are molded by the shape of our frustrations, our denials of life, our fears, our sins of omission as well as commission."

The 12 Astrological Houses
The Way of Creative Accomplishment
by Dane Rudhyar
Edited by Michael R. Meyer

146 pages, Trade Paperback, $14.95
and Kindle eBook, $9.95

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